learning lines

Analysis of learning lines and learning objectives on Scientific Reasoning in the Psychology study programme


As a student, how do you find out what you are going to learn in a course? As an instructor, how do you know what students have prior knowledge of? And as an education coordinator, how do you know what is happening in the course, or what can be improved? This project focuses on making learning lines and learning objectives on Scientific Reasoning visible in psychology courses. These learning lines are also analysed, and potential problem areas are addressed.


This project will (1) make visible (in an online tool) how the learning line Scientific Reasoning is represented in the Psychology programme, (2) use this tool to analyse possible bottlenecks, and (3) draw up an action plan for possible improvements in the programme following the analysis from (2).


Goals of this project are that:

  • Teachers understand which topics are covered in the course Scientific Reasoning skills. And at what level and where in the training;
  • The basis is laid for an analysis of bottlenecks;
  • An action plan can be drawn up following the analysis.

This analysis is necessary to understand where things are going wrong in the programme. For example: at the end of the first year, students have difficulty integrating texts and carrying out analysis. Why is this? Where should they have learned this and at what level?


Lourens Waldorp, waldorp@uva.nl, Anders, 2023, SKO

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