academic core

Analysis of learning lines and learning objectives on Scientific Reasoning in the Psychology study programme


As a student, how do you find out what you are going to learn in a course? As an instructor, how do you know what students have prior knowledge of? And as an education coordinator, how do you know what is happening in the course, or what can be improved? This project focuses on making learning lines and learning objectives on Scientific Reasoning visible in psychology courses. These learning lines are also analysed, and potential problem areas are addressed.


This project will (1) make visible (in an online tool) how the learning line Scientific Reasoning is represented in the Psychology programme, (2) use this tool to analyse possible bottlenecks, and (3) draw up an action plan for possible improvements in the programme following the analysis from (2).


Goals of this project are that:

  • Teachers understand which topics are covered in the course Scientific Reasoning skills. And at what level and where in the training;
  • The basis is laid for an analysis of bottlenecks;
  • An action plan can be drawn up following the analysis.

This analysis is necessary to understand where things are going wrong in the programme. For example: at the end of the first year, students have difficulty integrating texts and carrying out analysis. Why is this? Where should they have learned this and at what level?


Lourens Waldorp,, Anders, 2023, SKO

Analysis of learning lines and learning objectives on Scientific Reasoning in the Psychology study programme Read More »

Embedding uniform research internships in the Bachelor’s curriculum of Biomedical Sciences


When designing a new curriculum for the Bachelor of Biomedical Sciences, the Faculty Board ordered that the research traineeship be shortened from 4 months full-time (24 EC) to 3 months full-time (18 EC).


A choice was made to retain 24 EC of effective research internship by preceding the actual full-time internship (Bachelor Thesis – part 2) with a ‘internship-preparatory course’ (Bachelor Thesis – part 1), with a common component, belonging to the academic core (research skills and Scientific Writing in English) but content focused on each student’s individual internship project.

Besides preserving a relatively long research period, this project also achieved the goal of making the large number of internships more logistically manageable. There is a lot of competition among students due to limited availability of internship projects in semester 2. By offering the bachelor thesis courses twice a year, the aim is to take the pressure off the research groups offering the internship projects and to improve the throughput of students with a study delay or a second study (often Medicine).


dr. M.P. Bergman,, Amsterdam University College, 2017, SKO

Embedding uniform research internships in the Bachelor’s curriculum of Biomedical Sciences Read More »

Developing and embedding a teaching line around academic citizenship


The aim of this project was to develop a concept for teaching academic citizenship and embedding it in education.


Duco Bannink defined academic citizenship as the whole of the student’s academic, social and professional orientation.

Duco designed an integral reprogramming (curriculum improvement) of the five Bachelor’s curricula at the Faculty of Social Sciences, in which faculty students also took an important role. The subjects of the academic core and a partly disciplinary, partly interdisciplinary line of work were designed around three social themes: diversity, globalisation, network society.

The curriculum improvement was also aimed at strengthening the efficiency and yield of the courses, quality and accessibility of the programmes.

The new programme started in the 2017-2018 academic year. The effectiveness of the new programme will be evaluated.


dr. Duco Bannink,, Faculty of Social Sciences, 2016, LOL

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