Every student name in the group is written down on a card. The instructor uses the cards to randomly select someone to answer a question. These questions can be posed by the teacher as well as other students. All students can get called on, which means they have to stay alert and listen to each other’s explanations. The focus is taken away from providing a single right answer. Instead, students build up on each other’s answers.
It is important to stress that students are asked to share only what they are comfortable with.
You can also use the Mentimeter feature Wheel of Fortune to randomly assign students.
Mixed Classroom phase?
Phase 1: SensitizingMixed Classroom strategies?
Reduce anonimityFor which total group size?
Up to fiftyUp to twenty five
How to execute: Individual or in groups?
Small group (2-4 pers)Medium Group (5-12 pers)