This is a silent exercise; no talking is allowed. Students get a flip-over sheet per duo and the problem/question/case they need to work on. They read the material in silence, and proceed interacting with the material by writing down questions/remarks about it on the big paper. They can react to each other, ask each other questions, draw diagrams etc. but it all needs to be done on paper and in silence.
A variation to make this a group exercise: after a certain amount of time students walk around the room, and look at the big papers of other duos. They add questions/remarks of their own, still in silence. When they return to their own “Big paper”, they integrate the comments/notes/questions that other students wrote down into their own answer.
Mixed Classroom phase?
Fase 3: OptimizingMixed Classroom strategies?
Combining perspectives in a structured waySwitching between perspectives
For which total group size?
Up to fiftyUp to twenty five
How to execute: Individual or in groups?
Small group (2-4 pers)Medium Group (5-12 pers)