Team-based learning

The bachelor’s programmes Communication Sciences (FSW) and Dentistry (ACTA) apply team-based learning. This is a form of guided discovery learning, in which students learn to apply knowledge and think in teams about complex issues. Students take two identical tests in a fixed order: the individual and the team Readiness Assurance Test. The first is taken individually and in the second, students work in a group to try to figure out the correct answer by comparing each other’s individual answers. The team receives immediate feedback. The mark depends on the number of attempts for the correct answer. This is an example of the formative dialogue between students.

Zie ook: Team-based learning – Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

Assessment integral part of the learning process: 5
Assessment stimulates ownership: 2
Assessment prepares for role in society: 1
Level: Programme component
What VU taxonomy?
Knowledge base
Programme specific skills in applying knowledge and understanding
Interpersonal skills
Oral communication

Which total group size?
More than one hundred
Between fifty and one hundred
Up to fifty
Up to twenty five

Which execution: individual or in a group?
Medium Group (5-12 pers)
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