Case-based exam with closed questions

A case-bassed exam with closed questions is an assessment method you can use to determine a student’s level of knowledge and skill on a particular topic or concept. The case test usually presents a scenario or problem related to the taught material, which the student has to analyse and solve. Think of a medical case for medical students, or a case on decision-making around market changes in business administration.

Here, closed-ended questions can have different forms, such as multiple-choice questions, true-false questions, and fill-in-the-blank questions. Designed for quick and easy assessment, these questions provide a clear and reliable measure of the student’s knowledge and understanding.You can ask students to define important terms, recall facts or identify specific elements in the case study, perform calculations or draw conclusions.

This form of assessment is well suited for large-scale tests or so-called high-stakes tests (like exams) and is an effective way to measure the student’s actual knowledge and understanding of the subject. Although this form of assessment provides quick and easy results, it may not provide as much information about the student’s thought process and understanding of the subject as as a case test with open-ended questions.

Want to know more?

See also: Casustoets met open vragen en Tentamen met gesloten vragen

Tools: TestVision, Canvas Quizzes

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