Have students study texts or video together to be well prepared for study groups and lectures.
Advantages and points to note
- Promotes intensity of studying the material
- Promotes sense of ‘studying together’
- Students post notes in the literature and respond to each other
- Promotes discussion outside the classroom
- Overview of student participation
- Integrated into Canvas
Points to note
- Be aware of copyright – consult with the UB
- Some students do not want to study ‘digitally’ – convince students of the usefulness of this tool for themselves
- Compared to FeedbackFruits Interactive document, Perusall allows you to enforce that students have to make a minimum number of comments of a minimum quality. You can also automatically calculate scores from this.
For what purpose?
Peer feedback
Knowledge clips and video
Read the literature
Preparation for lectures
What complexity?
What license?
VU-wide license
What integration?